Hey Everyone!!
I keep forgetting about posting on this blog regularly, and for that i'm sorry. BUT, a couple weeks ago were the auditions for NOCCA's spring musical "The Secret Garden", which is a musical based off the children's book. For this audition, they had us prepare a side (which is basically a sample of music or script) of music from the show for the particular character we were going for. I decided that i wanted the role of Lily ( you can go on wikipedia to read a synopsis to get an idea of the characters since it is different from the book and movie), so i prepared her side. The director seemed to like my audition. He asked me to sing Lily's side twice because he wanted me to sing it differently the second time. Overall, it was a great audition. I definitely think i'm getting better and better at auditioning, though i don't think it's possible to master the art of auditioning.
Then came the callback list. It's understood at NOCCA that if you don't get a callback there's no chance of you getting a lead, so this was a big deal. I needed a callback because i wanted to prove to the director that i could play this role. plus, it's my senior year and this will be my last show at NOCCA. I GOT A CALLBACK FOR LILY!!! i was so relieved i thought that i was gonna pass out right then and there LOL. The callback consisted of every girl considered for Lily singing her side twice. After the first time, the director gave me feedback and just wanted me to sing it again. He told me and all the other girls who got a callback for Lily to stick around. I thought that we would do a reading, although Lily doesn't have many lines in the show. The director then stepped out of the audition room after a few minutes and told that we were done. DONE?!? we didn't even get to read!! i felt kinda nervous then. that of course meant that they had made their decision and i thought in my mind that i had not gotten the role. I was pretty confident of myself but i still doubt my abilities a lot.
The day that the cast list was supposed to come out was here. These are always weird days at not only NOCCA but any school because everyone is nervous about the outcome and is around their competition the whole day. luckily, my only real competition was a really sweet girl that i got to know through doing "Music Man" this past summer. what was cool about this day was that a couple cast members from the touring cast of "Spamalot" had come to teach us a masterclass. it definitely got my mind off the cast for a little while. Once the day was over, everyone headed to the place where the cast list was to be posted, and there it was. but before i could read it someone told me "now, don't get upset, Rachel". All i was thinking in my mind was that i didn't get it. but, i read the list and...I GOT LILY!!! i got double casted with my only competition for the role and i couldn't be happier!! i'm just excited that i got the role at all, and honestly there are a lot of pros to being double cast. there are also cons, but i choose to ignore them.
alright, this blog post is long enough. i hope everyone had a great christmas and will have a happy new year!!