Friday, April 13, 2012

Weight Loss Progress

Hey Everyone! I'm beyond happy right now because I'VE LOST 25 LBS. SINCE I GOT BACK TO SCHOOL FROM WINTER BREAK!! I've never lost this much weight EVER and i'm so excited! Not only is it easier for me to dance and work out, but i've gotten a whole new wardrobe for Spring/Summer!! I'm such a girly girl sometimes :P If you want to know how i lost the weight, here is a link to a post i did on my sister's blog all about my journey!

I still have about 30 more lbs. (maybe a little more) to lose, but i'm just so happy about the weight that i've lost i had to post about it. I lost almost 15% of my body weight and lost an entire dress size (maybe even more)! When i went shopping this past weekend everything was fitting me and i couldn't believe it. My mom and i had to spend some time in the dressing room just to decide what to actually purchase since everything looked so good on me HA! I will post more on this topic later, and i will make a complete "My Weight Loss Story" video on my youtube channel, so i'll let you know when i post that! The ultimate goal for me is to be fit, no matter what weight i am.

XOXO Rachel